Gaza Narrates Its Genocide: Stories and Testimonies
Contributors :
Edited by
Akram Musallam
Abdul-Rahman Abu Shammaleh
Introduced by
Ghassan Zaqtan
supervised by
Majdi al-Maliki
مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية
Publication Year: 
Number of Pages: 

This book narrates stories from Gaza written during wartime, the aim being to document the voices and narratives of its victims and as a contribution towards highlighting the lives of ordinary people at a time of the ongoing genocidal war on Gaza. The book complements the role of the Institute for Palestine Studies in documenting that genocidal war from various perspectives.

The texts in this book acquire their importance from the fact that they deal with stories and narratives of genocide by giving voice to its victims who are still living its horrors. They wrote down or voiced their ordeals despite the fact of their daily preoccupation to stay alive. These are narratives that cannot be found in the media or any social network, and have thus far remained hidden beneath the rubble of buildings and burnt out tents. Accordingly, they are the truest expression of the realities and horrors of this ongoing genocide.


Akram Musallam est romancier et journaliste. Il est né en 1971 à Talfrit, dans la province de Naplouse. Licencié en littérature arabe de l’Université de Bir Zeit (1995), il a obtenu un master en études internationales de la même université (2011) et travaille depuis 1995 comme rédacteur au quotidien Al-Ayyâm. Lauréat du prix des Jeunes écrivains en 2007 et du prix Palestine en 2019, il est l’auteur de quatre romans : Les Obsessions d’Alexandre (Ramallah, Ugarit, 2003), L’Histoire du scorpion qui ruisselait de sueur (Beyrouth, Dâr Al-Adâb, 2008), La Cigogne (Amman, Al-Ahliyya, 2012) et Une fille de Chatila (Amman, Al-Ahliyya, 2018) dont certains ont été traduits en anglais, en français et en italien.


Akram Musallam: Novelist and journalist. Born in 1971 in the village of Talfit in the Nablus Province. He holds a BA degree in Arabic language and literature from Bir Zeit University (1995) and an MA in international affairs from Bir Zeit University (2011). He has been working as a reporter in Al-Ayyam newspaper since 1995. He won the first prize in the Young Authors Competition in 2007 and the Palestine Prize for Originality in 2019.

He has published 4 novels: Hawajis al-Iskandar (Ramallah: Markaz Ugarit, 2003); Sirat al-aqrab alladhi yatasabbab araqan (Beirut: Dar al-Adab, 2008); Iltabasa al-Amr `ala al-Laqlaq (Amman: Dar al-Ahliyya, 2012) and Bint min Shatila (Amman; Dar al-Ahliyya, 2018). Several of his novels have been translated into English, French and Italian.

Abdul-Rahman Yunus Abu Shammaleh: Journalist. Born in 1969 at the Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza. He holds a BA degree in Arabic language and literature from Bir Zeit University (1995) and an MA in international affairs from Bir Zeit University (2011). He worked as a reporter in Al-Ayyam newspaper (1995-2019) and as publishing director at the `Abd al-Muhsin al-Qattan Foundation (2003-2022) and currently works as language consultant at the Qattan Foundation and several other publishing and cultural foundations.