Family Papers: Studies in the Contemporary Social History of Palestine
Contributors :
Edited by
Zakaria Muhammad، Khalid Farraj، Salim Tamari، Issam Nassar
صالح عبد الجواد
Institute for Palestine Studies
Publication Year: 
Number of Pages: 
أرشيف فلسطين
الأرشيف الفلسطيني
إحسان النمر
العمارة الفلسطينية
الارشيفات الاسرائيلية
اسكندر كزما
دورا الخليل
بيت المقدس
جريس السلطي
الهجرة الفلسطينية الى اميركا
الهجرة الفلسطينية الى الولايات المتحدة الاميركية
ملكية الاراضي في فلسطين
الزعامة المحلية الفلسطينية
الشرطة الفلسطينية في عهد الانتداب البريطاني
النخبة الفلسطينية في عهد الانتداب البريطاني
السجلات العثمانية
النقوش العثمانية في فلسطين
المخطوطات العثمانية في فلسطين

This book addresses important phases of the modern history of Palestine using family papers, memoirs, diaries and photos as primary sources. In the first section, the book examines the numerous archives that offer important sources to study the Palestinian history, assessing the archive contents, including Israeli archives, the archives of Jerusalem churches, the records of religious, civil and military courts, and the building register in Palestine.

The second session is a collection of studies based on family papers especially by individuals who played different roles in the history of Palestine in the twentieth century. In the third section, a number of researchers use public archives of a different aspect such as the "Tabu" papers (title deeds), legal registers, photos and registers of the British police.

The fourth section covers the diaries of the Palestinian elite during the British mandate, along with the religious endowment in Jerusalem according to Ottoman registers and manuscripts. It also highlights the story of Karima Abboud, the first photographer in Palestine.


These studies have been presented as papers in a conference held by the Institute of Jerusalem Studies in Beir Zeit University in the summer of 2008. In this book, we collected the best articles submitted during the conference.



Bechara Doumani, Mousa Srour, George Hantelian, Mustafa Kabha, Samera Esmir, Salim Tamari, Hanna Abu Hanna, Adel Yahya, Kimberly Katz, Issam Nasar, Saleh Abdul Jawad, Samih Hamoudah, Mohammad Ghosheh, Khodr Salameh, Ahmad Marwat.



زكريا محمد، شاعر وكاتب فلسطيني مقيم برام الله.

Khalid Farraj, the General Manager of the Institute for Palestine Studies.

Salim Tamari is IPS senior fellow and the former director of the IPS-affiliated Institute of Jerusalem Studies. He is editor of Jerusalem Quarterly and Hawliyyat al Quds.

He is professor of sociology at Birzeit University and an adjunct professor at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University. He has authored several works on urban culture, political sociology, biography and social history, and the social history of the Eastern Mediterranean. Recent publications include: Year of the Locust: Palestine and Syria during WWI (UC Press, 2010); Ihsan's War: The Intimate Life of an Ottoman Soldier (IPS, Beirut, 2008); The Mountain Against the Sea (University of California Press, 2008); Biography and Social History of Bilad al Sham (edited with I. Nassar,2007, Beirut IPS); Pilgrims, Lepers, and Stuffed Cabbage: Essays on Jerusalem's Cultural History (edited, with I. Nassar, IJS, 2005) and Essays on the Cultural History of Ottoman and Mandate Jerusalem (editor, IJS, 2005). Tamari has served as visiting professor, University of California at Berkeley (2005, 2007, 2008); Eric Lane Fellow, Cambridge University (2008); lecturer in Mediterranean Studies Venice University (2002-present); among other posts.

Issam Nassar is Assistant Professor of Middle East History at Illinois State University. He previously was on faculty at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem and was the associate director of the Institute for Jerusalem Studies. He is also associate editor of Jerusalem Quarterly.